Time in Spirituality

Adam Rybicki

The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland


The article addresses aspects of time in the context of selected aspects of Christian spiritual life. Spirituality is associated with an identification and formation of attitudes, therefore the article is an analysis of some elements of a proper Christian attitude towards time. The first element is a Christian understanding of time as both chronos and kairos. The second dimension of a Christian attitude, defined by the biblical words ‘sleep’ and ‘watch’, relates to watchfulness or vigilance as the best form of spending one’s time. The third aspect of a Christian attitude is based on the three dimensions of time – past, present and future –   in relation to Christian spiritual life. The last part of the article is devoted to perseverance, which is the greatest challenge given to every Christian during the time allotted to them on earth. In the conclusion, the Christian experience of time shows its originality and theologically rooted wisdom.


spirituality, time, vigil, persistence

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Rybicki, A. (2020). Time in Spirituality. Verbum Vitae, 38(1), 403–417. https://doi.org/10.31743/vv.4948

Adam Rybicki  adam.rybicki@kul.pl
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ks. Adam Rybicki, prezbiter diecezji koszalińsko-kołobrzeskiej, doktor habilitowany nauk teologicznych, profesor KUL, pracownik Katedry Duchowości Systematycznej i Praktycznej Wydziału Teologii KUL. Autor wielu publikacji z zakresu teologii duchowości katolickiej.




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