The Spirit Given to the Messiah in the Book of Isaiah


The noun a (“a spirit”, as well as “breath, wind”) is one of the most important theological terms in the OT, especially as it occurs in the sense of “spirit”. As such, a always remains within the power of God and depends on Him. Being God’s spirit, it “supervises” over all creatures, renews everything, restores to life, and after a person's death it returns to the God who gave Him. The noun a occurs 51 times in the Book of Isaiah and it plays a very important role in the oracles that announce and reveal the messiah: Isaiah 11:1-3a, 42:1, and 61,1. The spirit is given to him as God’s power to perform important tasks. God gives His spirit permanently. The spirit creates a special relationship between God and the messiah, which is expressed in titles such as “my servant” or “my chosen one”. His mission is aimed primarily at the poor and the sick. Its result is a change in their situation, by the enacting of righteousness and justice. The messiah’s activity crosses Israel’s borders and will be directed to all nations. In this way the pagans will be enlightened with God’s light and will participate in His covenant. It is within this domain of meaning that the messianic oracles from the Book of Isaiah are conveyed into the New Testament (Matthews 12:18-20; Luke 4:18-19).


spirit of God, messiah, The Book of Isaiah

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Mariusz Szmajdziński

Ks. Mariusz Szmajdziński, prezbiter diecezji łowickiej, doktor teologii biblijnej (KUL), licencjat nauk biblijnych (PIB), magister filologii klasycznej (UMK), członek Stowarzyszenia Biblistów Polskich, dyrektor Łowickiej Szkoły Biblijnej. Do głównych obszarów jego zainteresowań należą: profetyzm biblijny (zwł. księgi Dwunastu Proroków), filologia i literatura orientalistyczna (zwł. ugarycka i syryjska) oraz filologia i literatura klasyczna (zwł. grecka). Prowadzi stałe audycje w radio i telewizji oraz wykłady w kościele pw. św. Brata Alberta i św. Andrzeja Apostoła w Warszawie w ramach Duszpasterstwa Środowisk Twórczych.


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