Autism spectrum and digestive system dysfunctions and diet therapy

Monika Szewczak

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie, Centrum „Wybierz Zdrowie” i „Insignis” – Centrum Edukacji i Wspomagania w Rozwoju w Lublinie , Poland

Waldemar Biaduń

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie , Poland


The autism spectrum is becoming an increasingly serious social and medical problem. This is all the more important as the etiopathogenesis of the disease is still unclear. Its causes are constantly discussed, including both genetic and environmental factors, including the effect of consumed food. Recent research suggests a far-reaching relationship between diet, the composition of the gut microflora, the health of the digestive system and brain function. The term "microbiota-gut-brain axis" has entered the scientific language for good. The new insight has been shaped by significant contributions from epigenetics and nutrigenomics. Thus, new options for the treatment of autism have emerged. It turned out that elimination diets, i.e. properly selected food ingredients, that will significantly alleviate the symptoms of ASD, can play a decisive role.


autism, children, diet, food thera- pies

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Monika Szewczak 
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie, Centrum „Wybierz Zdrowie” i „Insignis” – Centrum Edukacji i Wspomagania w Rozwoju w Lublinie
Waldemar Biaduń 
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie

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