The Hour of Jesus’ Disciples (Jn 16:32; 18–19) as an Opportunity for the Revelation of the Master
Zbigniew Tadeusz Grochowski
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Wydział Teologiczny , Poland
The term “the hour of trial” in the Fourth Gospel is most often associated with the Passion of the Lord. The present work reminds us that Jesus’ disciples lived through and reacted to this difficult and pivotal experience as well, both during the arrest of the Master (cf. Jn 16:32) and later, when the persecution of Christians comes (cf. Jn 16:2.4.21). This article presents six types of attitudes exhibited by Jesus’ disciples as described in the Passion Narrative (Jn 18–19). In addition, from a Christological perspective, it demonstrates how the disciples’ various responses become a “mirror” for Jesus’ own revelation on this occasion. Christ gives his revelation not only through his own verba et facta, but also through interaction with his disciples, or in the juxtaposition (σύγκρισις) of his own attitude with their behavior. In this way, they become the locus theologicus of Jesus’ revelation. Thus the hour of the disciples becomes an occasion in which the revelation of the Master resounds even more forcefully and in a more understandable way.
Fourth Gospel, Passion Narrative, discipleship, the hour of Jesus, the hour of Jesus’s disciples, revelation of JesusReferences
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Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Wydział Teologiczny
Ks. Zbigniew Grochowski, prezbiter diecezji elbląskiej, doktor nauk biblijnych i archeologii, absolwent rzymskiego Pontificium Institutum Biblicum (licencjat) i jerozolimskiego Studium Biblicum Franciscanum (doktorat), adiunkt w Katedrze Egzegezy Nowego Testamentu Zakładu Nauk Biblijnych Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie; zajmuje się pismami Janowymi i tematem uczniów Jezusa; wykładowca w WSD w Elblągu (a w latach 2013-2016 także w Telewizyjnym Uniwersytecie Biblijnym TV Trwam), członek zwyczajny Stowarzyszenia Biblistów Polskich i Stowarzyszenia Ex-Alunni PIB; opublikował monografię Il discepolo di Gesù nell’ora della prova (Gv 18-19), luogo di rivelazione del Maestro (Studia Biblica Lublinensia 13; Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL 2015).
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