Characteristics of service by a court enforcement officer in Polish civil proceedings in the context of Article 139 (1) of the Code of Civil Procedure
Emil Kowalik
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland
The institution of service by a court enforcement officer has significantly impacted the regularity of the service of court letters. The provisions introduced put an end to the so-called fiction of service on individuals, which meant that after two attempts at service, the court could assume that the document had been effectively served. It was recognised that this too often led to prejudice to the rights of defendants, in particular those who had not lived at the addresses indicated by the plaintiffs for a long time, and often, due to the correct (fictitious) service of payment orders, they were obliged to pay the fees resulting from final court decisions. Unfortunately, under the previous legislation, there were cases of claimants giving unverified or even false information. The legislator obligatorily introduced into the Polish legal order, in Article 1391 of the Code of Civil Procedure, the service of letters through a court enforcement officer if a statement of claim or any other writ of summons that gives rise to the need to defend the rights of the defendant has not been effectively served on the defendant under Articles 131–139 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Thus, contrary to the principle of routine service, the legislator imposed the resulting obligations not on the procedural authority but on the initiator of the proceedings in the case. This study aims to present the institution of the court enforcement officer in Polish civil proceedings and discuss its advantages and disadvantages. It is particularly relevant in light of the changes introduced by the amendment of the CCP of 9 March 2023, effective from 1 July 2023, which are designed to improve this type of service.
civil proceedings, court enforcement officer, service by a court enforcement officerReferences
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The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

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