The “Ideal” Calendar in the Book of Jubilees

Antoni Tronina

Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL , Poland


In the mid-2nd century B.C., Palestinian Judaism experienced a profound upheaval as, among other things, a pagan temple calendar was introduced to the cult. The Maccabean Uprising was one reaction to this revolution. Another consequence was the secession of a group of clergymen and worshipers to the desert, led by the Teacher of Righteousness. This group adopted their own liturgical calendar, which had been devised a bit earlier by the author of the Book of Jubilees. There, the basis for the calculation of festive dates is not the cycles of the moon, but rather a solar year consisting of 364 days. This number, divided by 7, allowed the celebration of the Sabbath and the other feasts of Israel in a regular order, with no disruption related to the calculation of lunar months.


Book of Jubilees, solar cultic calendar, Machabees, Qumran

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Antoni Tronina
Instytut Nauk Biblijnych KUL

Antoni Tronina, prezbiter archidiecezji częstochowskiej, profesor nauk teologicznych, emerytowany profesor zwyczajny KUL, autor wielu książek z różnych dziedzin biblistyki i apokryfistyki; redaktor serii Nowy Komentarz Biblijny Stary Testament; w ostatnim czasie opublikował Apokryficzne księgi Barucha (Apokryfy Starego Testamentu 5; Kraków: Enigma 2018) oraz Targum Neofiti 1. Księga Kapłańska (Biblia Aramejska 3; Lublin: Gaudium 2019).


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