For and against darwinism

Stanisław Zięba

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie , Poland


The theory of evolution is deeply rooted both in biological sciences and the world’s empirical dimension. It is recognized as an accurate theory resulting from the manifestations of nature and shows its evolutionary picture. The theory of evolution has also gained popularity in social science and politics (social Darwinism, which is referred to as the „spirit of evolution”). From the very beginning, science aimed to discover the principles of the development of the universe and nature. The power of this theory is that it believes it has solved the mystery of man after so many centuries. It gives us answers in the form of natural selection, mutation, and the case of man’s coming to maturity. The theory of evolution is also a tool explaining many processes taking place in nature and the universe. The development of the research strategy of nature’s organization meant that the mechanisms underlying the theory of evolution were verified, which resulted in identifying many of its limitations. The credibility criteria of natural theory change, hence the main principles of the theory of evolution, raise many explicative doubts. Science searches for the fundamental laws of nature that decipher the complexities of the universe, laws that dictate the behawior of beings that our senses do not and will never have direct access to. The problem of the world’s complexity (including nature) has become the leading subject of interdisciplinary research in modern science. Science has developed a new conceptual hierarchy, new philo- sophical, epistemological, methodological and axiological principles, including new methods of observability. The mechanisms of the genesis and development of nature proposed by Darwin seem doubtful in the light of the new research context. Explaining the organization of nature using such concepts as natural selection, mutation, and chance is a complicated activity, because there is no coherence between these concepts and empiricism. Any accurate theory of nature should lie in the area of nature’s competence, such as in the sphere of experience. Thus, we can wonder whether the principles of the theory of evolution fulfill this criterion, or whether this theory meets the requirement of the adequacy of contemporary data on the natural environment.


Darwinism, theory of evolution, natural selection, mutations, chance, laws of nature

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Stanisław Zięba 
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie

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