Concerning an ecological catastrophy

Stanisław Zięba

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie , Poland


Are we awaiting an ecological disaster? What conditions must exist for mankind to declare this type of a disaster? The mass media and political party programs broadcast news about an ecological disaster, disseminating claims about the climate change, global warming (resulting in melting glaciers), perturbations in ecosystems, and the extinction of numerous plant and animal species. All this also threatens man, who can disappear faster than other species. In such an atmosphere of fear, uncertainty, apathy and stress, especially during the current pandemic, the second half of the 21st century is predicted to be onset of the global ecological disaster.
Some speak about this impending disaster, others say that it is an exaggeration, because people are constantly being born and die, just like some trees die but others appear in their place. This is a very complex issue from the point of view of data on nature. It seems that statements on the occurrence of a global ecological disaster do not have a strong scientific basis, but we are already seeing the symptoms of local disasters.
Nature is a very complex system, and its processes are not yet fully understood. This multidimensional system only presents us with behavior that is likely to occur. Declaring an ecological disaster is very difficult. The natural environment’s arrangement is subject to the principle of disproportions between cause and effect: a small cause can have a big effect, and vice versa. Therefore, current symptoms should not be underestimated, and we must assume that threats to the biosphere arise from many sources. The reality that surrounds us is comprehensive, systemic, consisting of many elements and various connections.
Repairing one element of the environment will not explicitly repair nature, but it is not so much about solving the issue as it is about clearly stating the problems.


natural disaster, ecological disaster, ecosystem, ecology, biodiversity, climate change

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Zięba, S. (2020). Wokół katastrofy ekologicznej. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Nauk Społecznych Z Siedzibą W Lublinie, 9(1), 9–22. Retrieved from

Stanisław Zięba 
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie

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