Nature’s picture created by ecology

Stanisław Zięba

Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie , Poland


The picture of nature in the ecological aspect not only shows the complicated process of our cognition of nature, but also the implications that result from it. They especially concern the place of man in nature and his responsibility for nature. The selection of such issues was determined by discussions at the natural, economic, political and cultural levels over negative phenomena in nature, meaning the phenomenon of atmospheric smog hovering over the Białowieża Forest that concerns climate change. The material in this publication can be helpful for developing a proper relationship between man and nature, thereby showing the reasons for limiting existing ecological threats.


ecosystem, biocomplex, biosphere, cosphere, population, ustainable development

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Stanisław Zięba 
Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych z siedzibą w Lublinie

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