About the Journal

Review of European and Comparative Law (Initially titled 'The Review of Comparative Law' from 1988 to 1990, it was known as 'Review of Comparative Law' from 2002 to 2018, ISSN 0860-8156)  is a journal publishing articles in English featuring articles by Polish authors or those affiliated with foreign institutions.

Review of European and Comparative Law serves as a forum for the exchange of views in a broader international context. It provides an opportunity to present Polish jurisprudential scientific achievements abroad. Reflecting its title, the journal aims to explore legal institutions from both European and comparative perspectives. Since 2015, the journal has been published as a quarterly. Since 2018, only its electronic version has been published.

By the Decision of the Regional Court in Lublin, 1st Civil Department of 29 May 2018 (Ref. No. I Ns Rej. Pr. 14/18), the journal was included in the register of newspapers, journals and magazines under the item Rej. Pr. 1554 under the name “Review of European and Comparative Law” (e-ISSN 2545-384X).

According to the announcement of the Ministry of Science from January 05, 2024 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials of international conferences, it was awarded 70 points.

Assigned academic disciplines: legal studies; canonic law.


Review of European and Comparative Law is published four times a year:

No. 1 – End of March
No. 2 – End of June
No. 3 – End of September
No. 4 – End of December

The Editorial Board may decide to issue an additional (special) issue outside the publication schedule or a thematic issue within the regular publication schedule. Texts from special issues and thematic issues are subject to the same rules for manuscripts evaluation and qualification before the publication.

Online first is an option for publishing articles in the electronic version of Review of European and Comparative Law. Articles that have passed the review process and have been accepted for publication are published in this mode. Scientific texts published in that mode are then added to the full version of the next issue. Online first publication has all the features of a traditional publication, while at the same time providing the opportunity to bring new research papers to readers more quickly.


The journal is indexed in the following databases:

Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection)
Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (IFLP)
HeinOnline - Law Journal Library
(The European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences)
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
(Baza bibliograficzna czasopism humanistycznych i społecznych prowadzona przez Muzeum Historii Polski)
ICI Journals Master List
(wartość wskaźnika ICV 2023: 148.00)
Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
Google Scholar
(The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)
Biblioteka Nauki (Library of Science)
(Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers)
MOST Wiedzy
EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source
Sherpa Romeo

Texts published in the Review of European and Comparative Law are available also in the Online Legal Journal Reading Room run by Wolters Kluwer SA.

Pursuant to the Announcement of the Minister of Education and Science of 9 February 2021 regarding the list of scientific journals and reviewed materials from international conferences, it received 70 pts. (item 29913 in the Appendix to the Announcement, Unique Journal Identifier – 200122).