The Review of European and Comparative Law is an Academic journal published by John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin on the Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration. Following the name of the periodical, the editors' idea is to present legal institutions in a European and comparative perspective. The Review provides a forum for the exchange of views on comparative law of the legal systems of European countries and Poland in a larger, international context, allowing authors, reviewers, and readers to polemicize on contemporary legal issues.

The purpose of the journal is to popularize the results of scientific research in domestic and foreign institutions, as well as to present Polish scientific achievements abroad. The Review is a peer-reviewed, fully online Diamond Open Access quarterly journal, which publishes scholarly materials (articles, glosses, reviews) in English, authored by international scholars, covering issues of public and private international law, comparative law, human rights and European law.

The Review of European and Comparative Law acts as a bridge to exchange the views of authors from Central and Eastern Europe with authors from other regions, especially Western Europe. This is of great value, since scholarly perspectives, and, of great value to the study of law, practical ones, often depend on author’s backgrounds.  This brings unique perspectives on legal issues that may be determined by local cultural, historical, and social contexts.

Authors from Central and Eastern Europe bring to the legal discourse specific experiences related to the transformation of legal and economic systems, integration into the European Union and adaptation of international legal norms to local realities. Their perspectives on law may be different from those of Western scholars leading to a richer and more multifaceted debate.

Through this synergy Review of European and Comparative Law promotes international scholarly cooperation, building mutual understanding and respect for diversity.

The journal becomes a platform where various perspectives can be heard and appreciated.  Understanding the differences and similarities in approaches to legal problems helps create more effective legal solutions at the international level. With its international orientation and openness to diverse perspectives, Review contributes to the global legal community, strengthening the development of law as a discipline of study and at the same time practice around the world.