New technologies in Polish commercial arbitration on the background of European Union regulations

Karol Ryszkowski

Cracow University of Economics , Poland


Commercial arbitration in Poland has to face contemporary problems, including those related to the constant development of information technologies, and therefore new technologies. It is seen during the COVID pandemic. This article is intended to assess the state of Polish regulation on the background of European Union regulations in the abovementioned area and to propose potential changes to the Polish legislation[1] if they are needed.


[1] Karol Ryszkowski, “New technologies in the Polish commercial arbitration,” in Právo, obchod, ekonomika : zborník príspevkov (Právo - obchod - ekonomika), eds. Jozef Suchoža, Ján Husár, and Regina Hučková (Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Vydavatel’stvo Šafárik Press, 2020), 249.


new technologies, European Union law, contract law, arbitration law, COVID pandemic

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Ryszkowski, K. (2022). New technologies in Polish commercial arbitration on the background of European Union regulations. Review of European and Comparative Law, 48(1), 29–41.

Karol Ryszkowski
Cracow University of Economics

Dr., Assistant Professor, Institute of Law, Cracow University of Economics; correspondence address: ul. Rakowicka 27, 31-510 Kraków, Poland.


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