Personal Income Tax Law Changes and the Impact on Family Budget in Albania

Imelda Sejdini

University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani” , Albania


Personal income tax is a tax on wages or salaries and other income a person earns during a calendar year. It is calculated on the income of all resident individuals and each government imposes personal income tax on earnings according to its fiscal package. The taxable incomes has been on focus of the latest fiscal package of Albanian Government approved by the end of December 2019 and starting from January 2020, changes effect a larger category of people. This paper is focused in analyzing the changes of personal income tax law and evaluating the impact on family budget. Considering the effects in the standard of living, this evaluation will show the need for other regulations. Interesting implications will be explored for policy makers and working persons in Albania.


personal income, tax law, family budget

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Sejdini, I. (2022). Personal Income Tax Law Changes and the Impact on Family Budget in Albania. Review of European and Comparative Law, 50(3), 129–144.

Imelda Sejdini
University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”

Dr. Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economy, University of Elbasan “Aleksandër Xhuvani”; Correspondence address: Rruga Tomorr Domi, Elbasan, Albania.


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