Applying Soft-Law Mechanisms and Responsive Regulation Theory to Labor Law: A Case Study of Poland
Karol Sołtys
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin , Poland
Focusing on selected international experiences, this article explores the role of soft regulation in the context of responsive enforcement of labor law. The analysis aims to answer the main research question of whether there is a method for the effective application of soft regulation in the responsive procedure of enforcing labor law in Polish legislation based on the experiences of Anglo-Saxon countries. Formal-dogmatic and comparative methods were used to address this question. The analysis includes experiences from the Canadian province of Ontario and Australian and British legislators. This article describes the mechanism of using soft regulation in the responsive procedure of enforcing labor law, which enabled the description of potential legal and governmental system consequences of its hypothetical application in Poland. The significant reliance of the responsive regulation model on soft regulation may, among other things, limit the ability of employers to challenge unresponsive treatment by public authorities. It also conflicts with certain constitutional principles, including the exclusivity of statutes and the principle of a democratic legal state. This, in turn, could prevent the implementation of responsive regulation in European legal systems. Finally, this article considers ways to minimise the risk of violating the Polish Constitution while maintaining the flexibility and potential effectiveness of responsive regulation.Keywords:
methods of regulation, responsive regulation, soft regulation, labour law compliance monitoring, labour law enforcementReferences
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The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin