Access to a Lawyer for Suspects at the Police Station and During Detention Proceedings

Tymon Markiewicz

Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Polska


Directive 2013/48/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer lays down minimum standards concerning access to a lawyer for suspects and the accused in criminal proceedings, as well as persons subject to the European arrest warrant proceedings. The present article focus on the subject of access to a lawyer at the earliest stage of criminal proceedings – in connection with arrest as well as during proceedings concerning the use of pre-trial detention. Author analyzes in sequence: subjective scope of the right to a lawyer, the right to a lawyer for the person deprived of liberty, confidentiality of communications between the person deprived of liberty and their lawyer. The main statement is that Poland does not meet that standard.

Słowa kluczowe:

directive, right to a lawyer, arrest, detention

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Markiewicz, T. (2020). Access to a Lawyer for Suspects at the Police Station and During Detention Proceedings. Review of European and Comparative Law, 41(2), 129–151.

Tymon Markiewicz
Wydział Prawa, Prawa Kanonicznego i Administracji, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II