Collective Work as an Inspiration for Legal Qualification of Computer-Generated Works – Comparative Analysis of the Institution from Polish and French Copyright Law Perspective

Michalina Kowala

Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, College of Europe in Bruges , Poland


The paper focuses on the question whether the institution of collective work could be used as an inspiration in order to regulate the legal situation of computer-generated works. Technological progress makes the creation of art by artificial intelligence with only minimal human participation an increasingly popular phenomenon. For this reason, world literature more and more often discusses how to legally qualify algorithmic creativity. An interesting idea, proposed in January 2020 by French Superior Council of Literary and Artistic Property is to regulate the issue alike the institution of a collective work. The study of the nature of computer-generated creativity on the example of the Endel musical start-up conducted in this paper will help to understand the complexity of the problem of algorithmic creativity. It will be also a valuable introduction to the analysis of the institution of collective work in Polish and French law. This comparative study will be important in the context of assessing the French proposals for the legal qualification of algorithmic creativity and examining to what extent the model of the collective work can be applied to computer-generated works in Polish copyright law.


Collective work, Artificial Intelligence, copyright, French proposals

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Kowala, M. (2021). Collective Work as an Inspiration for Legal Qualification of Computer-Generated Works – Comparative Analysis of the Institution from Polish and French Copyright Law Perspective. Review of European and Comparative Law, 45(2), 35–56.

Michalina Kowala
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, College of Europe in Bruges

Michalina Kowala, M.A., PhD candidate at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Student of College of Europe in Bruges, Belgium; correspondence address: Al. Niepodległości 53, 61-714 Poznań, Poland; e-mail:;