Kamila Sobieraj

PhD in Law, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Law Management, the Faculty of Law, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland , Poland

Piotr Zacharczuk

PhD in Law, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Management and Administrative Law, the Faculty of Law, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland. , Poland


In view of the fact that about 80% of the wolf ’s population in Europe is of cross-border type, the conservation status of a particular wolf ’s population depends on the sum of the states national regulations sharing the population.
The Polish national regulations thus have an impact upon the protection of three wolf ’s populations in Europe. They should thus become an object of interest also at the international forum. This article presents the broad-based Polish system of administrative and legal regulations of wolf ’s protection aimed at accomplishment of international and EU obligations. Poland, due to the relatively advanced level of legal protection of the wolf, may play a substantial role in restoring the population of this carnivore to the territories of many western European countries (the process already initiated through the presence of Polish wolves in Germany).


protection of the wolf, administrative law

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Sobieraj, K., & Zacharczuk, P. (2020). PROTECTION OF THE WOLF IN THE CONTEXT OF POLISH ADMINISTRATIVE LAW. Review of European and Comparative Law, 25(2), 91–102.

Kamila Sobieraj
PhD in Law, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Environmental Law Management, the Faculty of Law, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland
Piotr Zacharczuk 
PhD in Law, an Assistant Professor at the Department of Public Management and Administrative Law, the Faculty of Law, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin in Poland.