Arkadiusz Mirosław Czaja

hD in Law; a priest of the Order of Friars Minor of the Province of Saint Francis of Assisi; a lecturer at the Faculty of Canon Law in the Theological Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan , Poland


As for the days of penance the Church legislator set the minimum which Catholics should obey as common practice . Therefore, the mandatory days of penance have been established in the Roman Catholic Church . Among these, there are all Fridays of the entire litrugical year . The purpose of this study is to present one particular type of sacred time from the perspective of law as well as to take part in the discussion on the sanctifying influence of Friday on Catholics . Friday is of special significance for spirituality of all the faithful, as it is closely related to which concern the penance on Friday, both with other people, in pub-lic, as well as individually, in private, is a symbol of cooperation with the universal Church, hence Catholics ought to take acts of mortification and devote them-selves to prayer frequently .


cannon law, sacred time, day of penance

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Arkadiusz Mirosław Czaja 
hD in Law; a priest of the Order of Friars Minor of the Province of Saint Francis of Assisi; a lecturer at the Faculty of Canon Law in the Theological Department of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan