European Union model of whistleblowing

Łucja Kobroń-Gąsiorowska

Instytut Prawa i Ekonomii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie , Poland


In October 2019, the European Union adopted the Directive on protecting persons reporting breaches of European Union law, commonly known as the „Whistleblower Protection Directive” (EU Directive). The protection of national policies is beyond the scope of the Directive, as its sole purpose is to encourage people to report "breaches of EU law", ie, to strengthen „enforcement of the Union law and policies in specific areas”. The Directive is not concerned with the protection of workers or employees. The Directive treats whistleblowers as an instrument for reporting irregularities. Another proof of the instrumental approach adopted in the Directive is the lack of any financial incentives for whistleblowers. This article's basic thesis is that despite dynamic and multifaceted changes in the economy of individual countries, the accepted model of whistleblowing in the European Union will depend on repeated multidimensional analysis of the principle of the lawyer's loyalty to the organization. The research presented below aims to prove the validity of the adopted thesis.


whistleblowing, reporting, directive, model of whistleblowing, loyalty

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Kobroń-Gąsiorowska, Łucja. (2022). European Union model of whistleblowing. Review of European and Comparative Law, 48(1), 191–207.

Łucja Kobroń-Gąsiorowska
Instytut Prawa i Ekonomii, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie

Dr., Assistant Professor, Institute of Law and Economics, Pedagogical University od Kraków, correspondence address: Podchorążych 2, 30-084 Kraków, Poland; e-mail:,


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