Interconnecting Land Registers at the European Level: Technological Progress and Harmonization Aspects

Jacek Gołaczyński

University of Wrocław , Polska

Maria Kaczorowska

University of Wrocław , Polska


Characterized by a substantial diversity and falling within the property law domain, land registration systems have been excluded from the European Union harmonization process. At the same time, however, cross-border access to land registry information is critical for the development of the internal market. Therefore, several ambitious strategies are being pursued at the European level to interconnect national land registers by fully exploiting the possibilities offered by the latest technological advances. This article investigates the effect of transnational cooperation initiatives aimed at interconnecting electronic land registers within the European e-Justice program for the enhancement of the integration of the real estate markets in Member States. In this respect, legal challenges connected with the standardization of land information are addressed from comparative and harmonization perspectives.

Słowa kluczowe:

land registers, harmonization, interconnection, information and communication technologies, European e-Justice Strategy

Instytucje wspierające:

This article presents partial results of the research project “Informatisation of land and mortgage registers”, supported financially by the Polish National Science Centre (ID number: 2015/17/B/HS5/00460, Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. habil. Jacek Gołaczyński).

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Gołaczyński, J., & Kaczorowska, M. (2023). Interconnecting Land Registers at the European Level: Technological Progress and Harmonization Aspects. Review of European and Comparative Law, 55(4), 29–68.

Jacek Gołaczyński 
University of Wrocław


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