Economic Dependence as a Criterion for the Protection of the Self-Employed under EU Law and in Selected Member States

Tomasz Duraj

University of Lodz , Poland


This paper presents the cornerstones of the conceptual distinctions necessary to map out a separate category of workers, namely “economically dependent self-employed workers” (who fall between dependent subordinated employees and independent self-employed entrepreneurs) from the perspective of the EU law and the laws of selected Member States. The author considers how the economic dependency of self-employed workers should be defined, which method(s) of protection should be applied to these workers, and what scope of protection they should enjoy. The observations in this paper serve as a basis for de lege ferenda recommendations for the Polish legislator. At present, there is no separate category of “economically dependent self-employed workers” in Polish law.


Economically dependent self-employment, protective guarantees for self-employed persons, work outside the employment relationship, self-employment

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Duraj, T. (2024). Economic Dependence as a Criterion for the Protection of the Self-Employed under EU Law and in Selected Member States. Review of European and Comparative Law, 56(1), 159–186.

Tomasz Duraj
University of Lodz


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