Babanly Rasim

PhD in law, Head of Scientific-Expert Department of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases . , Ukraina


The article examines the positive and negative aspects of the existence of sen-tencing guidelines in different legal systems, as well as the reasons and purpose of implementing the relevant guidelines . Analyzed aspects that lead to the conclu-sion of feasibility or unreasonableness implementation of sentencing guidelines in continental law system and it is proved the absence of obstacles for the implemen-tation of the said sentencing guidelines in such a legal system for

Słowa kluczowe:

sentencing, sentencing guidelines, scale of punishment, inconsistency in punishment, equality of citizens before the law and the courts

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Rasim, B. (2020). ERSPECTIVE OF SENTENCING GUIDELINES IMPLEMENTATION IN CONTINENTAL LAW SYSTEM. Review of European and Comparative Law, 24(1), 41–50.

Babanly Rasim 
PhD in law, Head of Scientific-Expert Department of the High Specialized Court of Ukraine for Civil and Criminal Cases .