EAW: Next Steps, Will Pandora’s Box Be Opened?

Vincent Glerum

University of Groningen , Holandia

Hans Kijlstra

Former senior judge in the District Court of Amsterdam , Holandia


The authors advocate operational improvement of the European Arrest Warrant system. When applying the judi­cial cooperation instruments concerning criminal matters, more attention should be devoted to the requirements of proportion­ality, effective judicial protection, and coherence. The power to issue an EAW should be more circumscribed whereas executing authorities should be allowed more flexibility in the decision making process as far as the execution of an EAW is concerned. The authors conclude by sketching amendments to the legal and practical framework and the efforts required to implement them as well as by addressing the issue of political feasibility.

Słowa kluczowe:

FD 2002/584/JHA, European Arrest Warrant, proportionality, effective judicial protection, coherence

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Glerum, V., & Kijlstra, H. (2023). EAW: Next Steps, Will Pandora’s Box Be Opened?. Review of European and Comparative Law, 54(3), 125–145. https://doi.org/10.31743/recl.16169

Vincent Glerum  v.glerum@rechtspraak.nl
University of Groningen https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7668-1939
Hans Kijlstra 
Former senior judge in the District Court of Amsterdam

Former senior judge in the District Court of Amsterdam; at present substitute judge in the Surrender and Extradition Chamber of that court



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