“Inter Arma Silent Musae”. Destroying Museums, Historical Buildings, and Monuments during the War in the Ukraine as War Crimes within the Meaning of International Law

Dominika Zawacka-Klonowska

Nicolas Copernicus University , Polska

Aleksandra Główczewska

Nicolas Copernicus University , Polska


The article summarizes the situation related to the armed conflict in Ukraine in the context of the destruction of monuments and cultural objects as a war crime. The considerations relate to the provisions of international and European law, as well as to the positions developed by international case law. The stands of the international organization and community alongside the bodies of the European Union have been indicated. Poland’s efforts to help Ukrainian monuments are also discussed. Reference is made to the activities of the Center for Cultural Assistance in Ukraine established in Poland, within the structure of the National Heritage Institute and the Committee for Assistance to Museums of Ukraine.

Słowa kluczowe:

international law, museum, destroying monuments, war crime, Hague Convention

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Zawacka-Klonowska, D., & Główczewska, A. (2023). “Inter Arma Silent Musae”. Destroying Museums, Historical Buildings, and Monuments during the War in the Ukraine as War Crimes within the Meaning of International Law. Review of European and Comparative Law, (Special Issue), 133–153. https://doi.org/10.31743/recl.16610

Dominika Zawacka-Klonowska  d.z-k@wp.pl
Nicolas Copernicus University https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3434-0129
Aleksandra Główczewska 
Nicolas Copernicus University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3898-8822


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