Monika Augustyniak

Doktor habilitowany, profesor nadzwyczajny, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego , Polska


The article presents the platform of functional relations between the legis-lative body and the executive body of the municipality in the Polish and French legal order . Reflections made in this respect should help improve the model of both bodies of the municipality in the scope of tasks and competences, shaping the platforms of their joint and separate relations . Determining the manner of implementation of tasks and competences of the municipal bodies based on the principle of cooperation should be an aspiration of the legislator to normatively and factually balance the legal status of both municipal bodies . The analysis of the determinants of the functioning of legislative and executive bodies is aimed at proposing directions of changes in their functional relations, in order to increase the efficiency of their operation as the most important determinant of efficient management of the local community.

Słowa kluczowe:

functional relations of municipal bodies, division of competences and tasks, legislative and control functions, executive function

Instytucje wspierające:

Research project carried out at the Faculty of Law, Administration and International Relations at Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University financed from funds for statutory activities on the basis of the decision no . WPAiSM/DS/4/2016-KON

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Augustyniak, M. (2017). ON FUNCTIONAL RELATIONS BETWEEN MUNICIPAL AUTHORITIES IN POLAND AND FRANCE. Review of European and Comparative Law, 31(4), 111–129. https://doi.org/10.31743/recl.4163

Monika Augustyniak 
Doktor habilitowany, profesor nadzwyczajny, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Stosunków Międzynarodowych, Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego