Call for papers


The editors of Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) invite submissions of original, previously unpublished articles, as well as reviews, reports and other materials (e.g., commentaries on court judgments) relevant to any area of law on religion. All contributions should be prepared in compliance with the journal’s guidelines and delivered in electronic form through the online submission system.

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis, and the deadline for each volume is May 31 each year. The entire volume is published digitally at the end of each calendar year. Selected articles, when accepted for publication, are published under Online First. They are citable by their digital object identifier (DOI) assigned at the time of online publication. Once the entire volume is published, Online First versions are removed from website.


The previous homepage of our journal can be found at: It provides online access to the content of the archive volumes.