About the Journal

Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego (Studies in Law on Religion) is an annual journal published by John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin since 2000. It aims to publish scholarship (written in Polish or in English) on legal aspects of religious freedom and relations between the state and churches and other religious organizations. Special attention is given to Polish law. Many contributions, however, investigate issues relating to the law of other states, legal regulations of the European Union and international legal protection of freedom of thought, conscience and religion. Besides research articles, the journal also publishes commentaries on case law, book reviews and conference reports, as well as translations and presentations of source documents.

Submissions should be made online via the OJS system (https://czasopisma.kul.pl/spw/about/submissions). They are accepted on a rolling basis, and the deadline for each volume is May 31 each year. The entire volume is published in December. Selected articles, when accepted for publication, are published under Online First. They are citable by their digital object identifier (DOI).

As of 2022, the journal is published online only.

According to the Act of 26 January 1984 - Prawo prasowe (Press Law), the journal was registered by the District Court in Lublin in the register of newspapers and journals under item 1305.

Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego is indexed in the following databases:

Articles published in Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego are also available in: LEX Czasopisma Premium; Digital Library of Catholic University of Lublin and Institutional Repository of the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (ReKUL)

From 2007, the journal is included on the Polish official list of ranked academic journals.

The previous homepage of our journal can be found at: www.kul.pl/spw.eng. It provides online access to the content of the archive volumes.   www.kul.pl/spw.eng