New Apostolic Church in Poland – characteristics with special emphasis on the Legal Status

Konrad T. Zamirski

Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw, , Poland


This article deals with the legal status of the New Apostolic Church in Poland, its teaching and organizational structure. It presents Church’s efforts to receive a new legal regulation of its status in Poland in the form of separate act of parliament (particular act). In the historical part it explains the original structure of the New Apostolic Church founded in 1830 in England and history of that denomination in Poland since the second half of the nineteenth century (1863). Special emphasis is laid in the fact that the New Apostolic Church had a legal recognition on the basis of legislation made by the states occupying the then Poland. The author informs that the Church had a legal recognition in the time of the Second Republic of Poland. Also the text deals with the denomination’s history in Poland during the Communist period and informs about the celebration of 150th anniversary of New Apostolic Church in 2013.


New Apostolic Church in Poland, Church-State relations, Apostolic Catholic Church, legal recognition, religious organization, Law on Religion, particular act, churches and other religious associations

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Zamirski, K. T. (2016). Kościół Nowoapostolski w Polsce – charakterystyka ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem statusu prawnego. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 19, 289–306.

Konrad T. Zamirski 
Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw,

Mgr, doktorant na Wydziale Teologicznym Chrześcijańskiej Akademii Teologicznej w Warszawie, ul. Miodowa 21c, 00-246 Warszawa


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