Radbruch’s formula and the conscience of a Saint: Cardinal Alojzije V. Stepinac

Vanja-Ivan Savić

University of Zagreb , Croatia


This paper examines the life of Blessed Cardinal Alojzije V. Stepinac during three regimes that were very hostile towards the Catholic Church and its values. The paper discusses the values by which Blessed Stepinac lived and explains that his teachings correspond to the rules of conduct established by the German legal philosopher Gustav Radbruch. According to the latter, laws that contain no traces of humanity and are unbearably unjust should not be considered laws that must be followed. Cardinal Stepinac accepted the political realities of his times but denounced the evils present in each of the regimes under which he served as archbishop of Zagreb and shepherd of his flock. In doing so, he always underlined the values of equality, humanity and religious freedom.


Cardinal Aloysius Stepinac, Gustav Radbruch, legal theory, natural law, Catholic Church, religious freedom

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Savić, V.-I. (2023). Radbruch’s formula and the conscience of a Saint: Cardinal Alojzije V. Stepinac. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 26, 147–170. https://doi.org/10.31743/spw.14455

Vanja-Ivan Savić  vanja.ivan.savic@pravo.hr
University of Zagreb

PhD, Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, Gundulićeva 10, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia



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