Papal designations in the context of the Gregorian Reform

Drahomír Suchánek

Charles University in Prague , Czechia


This study looks at a specific aspect of papal elections during the Gregorian Reform: papal designation. In separate steps, the study endeavours to look at both the historical and developmental context of papal designation, as well as the use of papal nomination for individual elections that took place during the Gregorian Reform period. The text also uses an analysis of electoral procedures to evaluate the significance of designation, specifically its actual influence on the decisions made by electoral participants. The designation does not appear to be a procedural and legislative feature but instead more of a practical and legitimising tool for defending a chosen procedure.


papal designation, papal election, In nomine Domini bull, College of Cardinals, Gregorian Reform

Supporting Agencies:

This publication was supported by the Cooperatio Program provided by Charles University, research area X, implemented at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.

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Suchánek, D. (2023). Papal designations in the context of the Gregorian Reform. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 26, 171–187.

Drahomír Suchánek
Charles University in Prague

PhD, ThD, Associate Professor, Institute of World History, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Nám. Jana Palacha 2, CZ 116 38 Praha 1, Czech Republic


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