The “living together” argument in the European Court of Human Rights case-law

Tania Pagotto

Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, , Italy


This article analyses the three cases where the argument of “living together” was engaged by the ECtHR and accepted as a legal justification for the prohibition of the full-face veils (burqa and niqab): SAS v. France (2014), Belcacemi and Oussar v. Belgium (2017), and Dakir v. Belgium (2017). It analyses the proposed concept of “living together” itself, explaining its content and its development in the French and Belgian contexts. The paper argues that there is a lack of a robust legal analysis sufficient to legitimize this new argument. Finally, it makes the case for more fact-oriented decisions and the need for the Court to engage in evaluating all the knowledge it obtains, including empirical material brought by the third parties’ interventions. This could be beneficial for two reasons: facilitating the application of the proportionality test and protecting the Court itself from dangerous challenges to its authority.


European Court of Human Rights, burqa, niqab, Islam, Muslim veil, religious freedom, proportionality, freedom of conscience and religion, Law on Religion, living together, ECtHR

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Pagotto, T. (2017). The “living together” argument in the European Court of Human Rights case-law. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 20, 9–34.

Tania Pagotto 
Ca’ Foscari University of Venice,

PhD Candidate in Law, Market and Person, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dorsoduro 3246, 30123 Venezia (Italy); Doctoral Fellow (2018), Department of Ethics, Law and Politics, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, HermannFöge-Weg 11, 37073 Göttingen (Germany)


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