Governing Catholic religious education in Italian state schools: Between the revision of the Concordat and social movements, 1974-1984

Guillaume Silhol

Aix-en-Provence Institute of Political Studies, , France


This article focuses on the redefinition of Catholic religious education in Italian state schools, from compulsory religious instruction into a non-compulsory discipline of “religious culture”, by analyzing how the issue is framed and negotiated by political, religious and educational actors between 1974 and 1984. The negotiations between governmental and Church representatives in the revision of the Concordat led to attempts at a compromise on religious education, its regime and its guarantees for students’ choices. However, social movements and school reforms forced various actors and institutions to reframe it in non-confessional, pedagogical and professional terms in public arenas. “Religious culture”, as a category promoted by teachers and intellectuals, became both a social problem and the main justification for the ownership of the Catholic Church over the problem.


religious education, Catholic Church, religious freedom, Law on Religion, education law, Concordat, social movements, school, social problem, freedom of conscience and religion, Church-State relations

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Silhol, G. (2017). Governing Catholic religious education in Italian state schools: Between the revision of the Concordat and social movements, 1974-1984. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 20, 167–184.

Guillaume Silhol 
Aix-en-Provence Institute of Political Studies,

PhD student in political science, Sciences po Aix, Institut d’Études Politiques d’Aixen-Provence, 25, rue Gaston de Saporta, 13625 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, France


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