Is the Swedish state secular when religious service functions are integrated in state institutions?

Per Pettersson

Karlstad University, Uppsala University, , Sweden


This chapter analyses the ambiguous presence of religious agents as service providers in Swedish state institutions, which are supposed to be secular; hospitals, prisons, the military and public schools.


State-Church relations, constitution, religion in public space, philosophies of life, secularism, secularization, public space, religious pluralism, freedom of conscience and religion

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Pettersson, P. (2015). Is the Swedish state secular when religious service functions are integrated in state institutions?. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 18, 23–42.

Per Pettersson
Karlstad University, Uppsala University,

Professor of Sociology of Religion, at Service Research Center, CTF, Karlstad University, Sweden and Uppsala Religion and Society Research Centre, CRS at Uppsala University, Box 511, SE-751 20 Uppsala, Uppsala University, Sweden


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