The case of Sessa: space for religious minorities

Wolfgang Wieshaider

University of Vienna , Austria


This article analyses to discuss the judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in Francesco Sessa v. Italy. Referring to other decisions of the Strasbourg authorities, and also to the judgement of the European Court of Justice in Vivien Prais v Council of the European Communities, the author concludes that in this case the judges of the European Court of Human Rights human failed to properly balance the interests of the parties involved.


religion, Law on Religion, freedom of conscience and religion, State-Church relations, religious pluralism, religious minorities, European Court of Human Rights, religious holidays, exercise of religion

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Wieshaider, W. (2015). Sessa czyli przestrzeń dla mniejszości religijnych. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 18, 113–121.

Wolfgang Wieshaider
University of Vienna

Prof. dr, Department of Legal Philosophy, Law of Religion and Culture, Faculty of Law, University of Vienna, Schenkenstraße 8-10, 1010 Wien, Austria


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