Law of the Church of England as a part of the law of England

Michał Rynkowski

European Commission, Bruxelles , Belgium


The aim of this article is to demonstrate that the law of the Church of England constitutes a part of the English legal system. This thesis is confirmed by the way this law is adopted, by the commentaries and by the jurisprudence of the English courts, and even of the European Court of Human Rights. The most characteristic legal act, the measure, is presented in terms of the legislative process and the scope of application, on the examples given.


measures, State-Church relations, churches and other religious associations, Canon Law, legislation of church law, Church of England, Internal church law

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Michał Rynkowski
European Commission, Bruxelles

Dr hab., LL.M. Eur. (Europa-Institut, Saarbrücken). Były adiunkt w Katedrze Prawa Międzynarodowego i Europejskiego Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, specjalizujący się w stosunkach państwo-kościół. Od 2006 r. urzędnik Komisji Europejskiej (Dyrekcja Generalna Edukacji i Kultury), rue Joseph II, 70; B-1000 - Bruxelles; Belgique


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