The relationship between the state and the religious associations in sovereign Ukraine

Maciej Strutyński

Jagiellonian University , Poland


The paper presents the relationship between the state and religious associations in Ukraine. After Ukraine gained independence in year 1991 it was required that the matters concerning religious confessions be regulated according to democratic standards. Among the legislations were the Bill on freedom of confession and religious organisations and the new constitution which defines the basic rules of state-religion relations. The relationship between the religious associations and state are analized by Ukrainian churches and non-governmental organisations such as Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union, Razumkow Center and the Institute for Freedom of Religion. It is commonly agreed that until 2010 the relationship between the state and religious organisations were correct. However, the religious policy of state changed after Wiktor Janukowycz had become the president. The administrative organs for confessions were altered and the Bill on freedom of confession and religious organisations was amended. The religious associations saw these changes as an attempt to deprive them of their independence.


Ukrainian ecclesiastical law, State-Church relations, Ukrainian law on religion, religious organisations in Ukraine, freedom of conscience and religion, religion in public space

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Maciej Strutyński 
Jagiellonian University

Instytut Religioznawstwa, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Grodzka 52, 31-044 Kraków


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