Pastoral care in the penitentiary system of the Russian Federation

Jarosław Matwiejuk

University of Bialystok , Poland


The main purpose of this article is to present the constitutional, statutory and substatutory conditions of the functioning of prison chaplaincy in the Russian Federation. The study also discusses the practice of the functioning of prison chaplaincy currently being reborn in Russia, identifies the main problems and describes the growing role of religious organizations in this respect. At the same time, a general characterization of the Russian penitentiary system is made against this background, indicating its key elements, including the central management body – the Federal Service for the Enforcement of Judgments of Russia. Additionally, the article points out the imperfections of the applicable legal regulations and the practice of state organs related to the functioning of prison chaplaincy in the Russian Federation. The study concludes by presenting the prospects for further evolution of the legal position of prison chaplaincy in Russia, underlining that it is necessary to reform the Russian system of prison chaplaincy in order to effectively guarantee freedom of conscience and religion to persons deprived of liberty.


Russian Federation, freedom of conscience and religion, Federal Service for the Enforcement of Judgments of Russia, penitentiary system, Russia, prison chaplaincy, chaplain

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Jarosław Matwiejuk
University of Bialystok

dr hab. Jarosław Matwiejuk, adiunkt, Katedra Prawa Konstytucyjnego i Systemów Politycznych, Wydział Prawa, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku,  ul. Świerkowa 20 B, 15-328 Białystok


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