The Formula ‘Freedom of Religion or Belief’ in the Laboratory of the European Union

Marco Ventura

University of Siena , Italy


This article argues that more and better knowledge about the past and present of the formula ‘freedom of religion or belief’ is likely to result in a stronger consistency between the terminology and the concept, while being conducive to a richer national and international conversation on the protection and promotion of ‘religion or belief’ related rights and freedoms. In the first section (The emergence) the author maps the chronology and context of the emergence of the formula: while confirming the importance of the United Nations, it is emphasized that UN documents were not alone, and were not in isolation. In particular, the importance of the Conference, then Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and of a general international conversation, accelerated by the adoption in 1998 of the US International Religious Freedom Act, is underlined. In the second section (The features) the most significant features of the formula are identified, and it is suggested that those features should be taken as the reasons why in the last two decades the formula has proved successful at the UN and OSCE level, as well as in the context of the European Union, mainly in its external action. In the third section (The EU laboratory) the formula is mapped in the EU context and the EU framework is interpreted as a laboratory where the formula is received, challenged and reinvented in a variety of ways. In the fourth and final session (The translation) ten sets of questions are offered with respect to the linguistic and legal translation of the formula in EU Member States. If addressed, it is held, those questions might considerably improve knowledge on the formula in both its top-down and bottom-up dynamic unfolding, thus empowering scholars and actors engaged with combining the global power of the formula in English and its variations in different languages and cultures.


freedom of religion or belief, Church and State, law and religion, European Union Law, international human rights law

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Ventura, M. (2020). The Formula ‘Freedom of Religion or Belief’ in the Laboratory of the European Union. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 23, 7–53.

Marco Ventura
University of Siena

PhD Strasbourg, Professor of Law and Religion at the University of Siena; via Mattioli 10, 53100 Siena, Italy.

Director of the Centre for Religious Studies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler of Trento - 

Associate researcher of DRES, Center for Droit, Religion, Entreprise et Société, University of Strasbourg -

Member of the OSCE/ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Religion or Belief -


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