Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego invites submissions of original, previously unpublished research in all areas of law on religion, written in Polish or in English. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.

This journal does not charge any fees for manuscript submission, processing or publication (Diamond Open Access Journal). No royalties are paid to authors of unsolicited papers.

Manuscripts submitted for publication in Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego must not infringe third-party copyrights. All authors and contributors as well as sources of funding should be disclosed. The practice of ghostwriting and ghost authorship  is regarded as scientific misconduct and violation of the research ethics principles. Any cases of such misconduct will be recorded and revealed by the editors in accordance with the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) guidelines. Originality of every submission is checked with the iThenticate software and confirmed by the author in a relevant declaration and a publishing agreement.

All submissions should be formatted as a Word document and delivered in electronic form through the online submission system (if there are any technical problems, please contact the journal editors).  

All authors are responsible for the content of their manuscripts. Articles should not exceed 40,000 characters (including spaces). Reviews and conference reports should contain a maximum of 10,000 characters.

Submissions should include:

  • a title (please do not write the title in CAPITAL LETTERS);
  • an abstract (150-300 words). The abstract should reflect the content of the paper and state the research problem, aims of the study, results and conclusion;
  • a list of keywords (a minimum of 4 key words separated by semi-colons);
  • a list of references (comprising only the references cited in the text). Citations and references should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date system)

Authors should also provide their current postal address, e-mail and phone number, and supply the following information to be included in the note about the author: their academic degree or title, affiliation, place of employment, as well as their ORCID identifier. Author details should be sent in a separate file. The manuscript (including the abstract, key words and references) should be anonymized.

Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the journal is granted the right to print it. No royalties are paid to authors. Authors receive one electronic copy of the volume with their published work. The editors do not return unsolicited material and reserve the right to edit and abridge submitted texts. All manuscripts should be proofread within two weeks of notification from the editors.

Detailed editorial guidelines

The text should not use automatic hyphenation or any other additional formatting. Articles should be divided into sections. The margins should be set at 2.5 cm. The pages should be numbered.

The main body of the text should be written in Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spaced and justified. New paragraphs should be indented by 1.25 cm. Footnotes should be single-spaced, justified, in Times New Roman 10.

Italics should be used for titles of publications and foreign terms. Bold type may be used for titles and parts of text that require highlighting.

Footnotes should be numbered consecutively beginning with 1. Footnote numbers (in superscript format) should be placed immediately after punctuation.

Abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are used in the manuscript.

Citations and references should follow the Chicago Manual of Style (author-date system)The following exemplify reference list entries for selected types of publications. Examples of corresponding in-text and footnote citations are given underneath each entry.

-  books: full name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, title, volume (if applicable), place of publication and publisher. Example:

  • Doe, Norman. 2011. Law and Religion in Europe: A Comparative Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

           [Doe 2011, 65]

  • Ferrari, Silvio, and Iván C. Ibán. 1997. Diritto e religione in Europa occidentale. Bologna: Il Mulino.

           [Ferrari, and Ibán 1997, 34-36]

- chapters in edited volumes: full name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, title of the chapter, title of the volume, editor(s), page numbers, place of publication and publisher. Example:

  • Sublon, Roland. 2006. “Simbolo, segno e lettera.” In I simboli religiosi tra diritto e culture, edited by Edoardo Dieni, Alessandro Ferrari, and Vincenzo Pacillo, 21-45. Milano: Giuffrè.

           [Sublon 2006, 23]

- articles: full name(s) of the author(s), year of publication, title of the article, title of the journal, volume/issue, page numbers and the DOI number (if applicable). Example:

  • Stanisz, Piotr, and Jakub Pawlikowski. “Il diritto dei medici all'obiezione di coscienza in Polonia: recenti sviluppi”. Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica 2: 459-473. DOI:

           [Stanisz, and Pawlikowski 2017, 463]

Two or more publications by the same author(s) should be distinguished by including lower-case letters a, b, c, etc. after the year of publication:

  • Stanisz, Piotr. 2017a. “Ochrona wolności religijnej w wymiarze indywidualnym i instytucjonalnym w postulatach Stolicy Apostolskiej i w traktatach Unii Europejskiej. Zbieżności i rozbieżności." In: Kościół a Naród i Państwo w perspektywie 1050. rocznicy Chrztu Polski. Historia i teraźniejszość, edited by Józef Krukowski, Mirosław Sitarz, and Ireneusz Dosz, 225-245. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL.

          [Stanisz 2017a, 230]

  • Stanisz, Piotr. 2017b. “Conscientious objection of medical professionals according to Polish law and the encyclical Evangelium Vitae." In: The Value of Life. The Present Time through the Prism of St John II's Encyclical Evangelium Vitae, edited by Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik, and Krzysztof Wiak, 165-177. Warszawa: Instytut Papieża Jana Pawła II.

          [Stanisz 2017b, 170]

Ibid. should be used to refer a source in the immediately preceding footnote. Example: Ibid., 9.

The references should be listed in alphabetical order (by author surname).

Authors who cite texts originally written in scripts other than Latin (e.g., Cyrillic) are requested to provide their description in the transliterated version, followed by the original version in square brackets.

Case-law/court judgments, legal acts and other documents should be cited either in the main text or in footnotes, using corresponding national or international usage. The following information should always be provided:

  • case-law/court judgments: name of the judgment, name of the court, date of the judgment, identifier number, place of publication and page numbers (if applicable).
  • legal acts: full title, date of issue and place of publication.
  • other documents: issuing authority/author (if applicable), title (if applicable), date of issue (if applicable) and place of publication (e.g., website and date of access).

Citations of Internet sources should include the author, title of publication, URL and date of access. Example:

  • Decision of the European Ombudsman in his inquiry into complaint 2097/2011/RA against the European Commission, [accessed: 19 December 2017].


Book reviews should be headed by the name of the author, full title of the reviewed work, publisher, place and year of publication and number of pages. The reviewer’s name should be given at the end of the main text.

Conference reports should be headed by the full title, place and date of the conference. The author’s name should be given at the end of the report.