The editorial team of Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego [Studies in Law on Religion] along with the Scientific Council performs a preliminary assessment of submitted material to check whether it complies with the profile of the journal and meets the basic requirements concerning methodology and content.

All articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by two reviewers whose affiliation is different from the affiliation of the author of the article. Typically, reviewers are researchers with a post-doctoral (habiliation) degree, affiliated with a different institution than that of the journal’s editor-in-chief. No reviewers are appointed from among the members of the editorial team of the journal.  The editors do not consult reviewers who may have a conflict of interest resulting especially from close personal or professional relationships with the author(s).

At least one of reviewers who review an article written in English is affiliated with an institution outside Poland (different from the author’s institution).

The journal has a double-blind review process (the authors do not know the identity of the reviewers and vice versa).

Reviews are made in writing and contain unambiguous recommendations to accept or reject a contribution. When assessing the material submitted for publication, the following aspects are given priority:
- originality;
- content quality;
- sources;
- literature and case-law;
- methodology.

Review Form (English): SPW.eng.doc / SPW.eng.pdf

Review Form (Polish): /

The final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of contributions is made by the editor-in-chief, who makes his decisions on the basis of reviewers’ opinions.

The list of reviewers is provided on the journal’s website.

The review procedure follows the recommendations of COPE Committee on Publication Ethics included in the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers.