Legal aspects of the public activity of clergymen

Mariusz Grabowski

Faculty of Canon Law, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, , Poland


In the Polish legal system the term “clergyman” is determined on the basis of the internal regulations of churches and other religious organizations. Clergymen, as Polish citizens, have the same rights as all other citizens. Limitation of the rights of the clergy as regards their public activity would be a violation of constitutional provisions, regulations of ratified international agreements and statutory provisions. In accordance with the Code of Canon Law (CIC), the clergy are strictly prohibited from holding public offices connected with exercising secular power (CIC, c. 285 § 3), from such participation in associations which collides with the duties of the clergy (CIC, c. 278 § 3). In addition, there is a relative prohibition to actively participate in political parties or in the management of trade unions (CIC, c. 287 § 2 CIC). Any restrictions on the public activity of the clergy can be considered only under canon law. This is due to the existing legal order, including the constitutional principle of the autonomy of Church and State.


clergy, churches and other religious organizations, religious freedom, Catholic Church, autonomy of Church and State, public functions, constitutional rights, freedom of conscience and religion, Law on Religion, Code of Canon Law

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Mariusz Grabowski 
Faculty of Canon Law, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw,

Dr, Katedra Prawa Polskiego i Międzynarodowego, Wydział Prawa Kanonicznego, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, ul. Dewajtis 5, 01-815 Warszawa.


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