Religious freedom and the state’s attitude to religious communities in the constitutions of selected Muslim countries

Katarzyna Krzysztofek-Strzała

Jagiellonian University , Poland


The aim of this paper is to analyze the provisions of the constitutions of twenty-one states in which Islam is practiced by the majority of the population, although it is not necessarily recognized as the state religion. The author examines the connection between the scope of individual and collective religious freedom and the type of relations between the state and religious organizations, taking as a point of reference the distinction between confessional and secular states. The comparative analysis shows that the scope of religious freedom guaranteed in individual states tends to vary and does not fully depend on the adopted model of relations with religious organizations. Moreover, there is no direct relationship between the number of Muslims living in a given country and the type of these relations. It is also argued that the division of confessional states into closed and open variants is of limited usefulness, as it does not reflect the diversity of the regulations on religious freedom adopted in the constitutions of the analyzed states.


Sharia law, constitution, religious freedom, Muslim countries, confessional state

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Katarzyna Krzysztofek-Strzała
Jagiellonian University

Dr hab., Pracownia Prawa Kościelnego i Wyznaniowego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Gołębia 9, 31-007 Kraków


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