Restriction of freedom of pilgrimage as a consequence of the amendment made on March 30, 2021 to the Road Traffic Act. The case of the Wrocław Rollerblade Pilgrimage

Tomasz Resler

University of Wrocław , Poland


Based on an analysis of the case of the Wrocław Rollerblade Pilgrimage, the article addresses the consequences of the amendment to the Road Traffic Act made on March 30, 2021 and in particular its impact on the freedom of pilgrimage. The new legal definitions have created a situation in which some pilgrimages can no longer take place in their original format. This applies in particular to pilgrimages whose participants move by means of “assistive mobility devices” (rollerblades). It is argued that, de lege lata, such pilgrimages cannot take place if their participants move on roadways. The paper also clarifies which authorities are competent to agree on the route and time of a pilgrimage and argues that the regional governor (wojewoda) is not authorized to do so, despite the fact that this practice has been adopted in recent years. Moreover, the paper highlights the need to change the existing regulations so that the organizer can effectively exercise the right to a court in resolving potential disputes with administrative authorities over the organization of the pilgrimage.


traffic law, pilgrimages, rollerblades, freedom of conscience and religion

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Resler, T. (2022). Ograniczenie wolności pielgrzymowania jako konsekwencja nowelizacji ustawy – Prawo o ruchu drogowym z dnia 30 marca 2021 r. Kazus Rolkowej Pielgrzymki Wrocławskiej. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 25, 341–365.

Tomasz Resler
University of Wrocław

Dr, Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Uniwersytecka 22/26, 50-145 Wrocław


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