Religious Belonging Today: Strategy and Values of Old-Believers and Neo-Pagans (Ural Case)

Elena Golovneva

Ural Federal University , Russian Federation


In contemporary Russia, on the one hand, there is a marked tendency towards re-strengthening of Orthodox Church. On the other hand, new patterns of religion and religious behaviour are manifest. This paper examines the alternative moral discourse in framework of “right-wing” religious practices in Ural region. Taking a comparative approach to religiosity, this investigation deals with different trajectories taken by Old-believers and Neopagans in Ural region to create new moral and social order for contemporary Russia. How do the people of different religious denominations within limits of region want to arrange their place, what do they aspire to, what do they want to express, and by what means? How do they create and maintain social cohesion? How do they express mutual acceptance and recognition, and how do they withhold it? These problems can obviously be described in terms of continuity and change, since religious models are either to be borrowed from some close or distant sources or to be elaborated anew according to particular social and ideological contexts.


Old-Believers, Ural, Neo-pagans, religious identity, religious discourse , State-Church relations, freedom of conscience and religion, religious pluralism, religion in public space, philosophies of life, secularization, secularism

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Golovneva, E. (2015). Religious Belonging Today: Strategy and Values of Old-Believers and Neo-Pagans (Ural Case). Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 18, 99–112.

Elena Golovneva
Ural Federal University

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at Cultural Studies and Design Department, Ural Federal University, 19 Mira St., Ekaterinburg 620002 Russia


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