The discrimination religious catechist in the educational law during the reign of Wladyslaw Gomulka (1956-1970)

Joanna Wiśniewska

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw , Poland


Although the discrimination catechists belonging to male and female religious congregations had been presenting in administrative practice of the educational authorities in the first postwar decade, it was legitimized by the law of the educational during the reign of Wladyslaw Gomulka. The religious catechists (whose work with children and adolescents was treated by the Communists as a serious obstacle to the laicization of the school system and education) have been directed above all two legislative acts issued by the Ministry of Education: a) the ordinance dated August 4, 1958 concerning the teachers of religion - it deprived the religious possibility of working catchetic work in the school; b) and the ordinance dated August 19, 1961 concerning the conducting catechetic centers - it has become the legal basis for retraction religious congregations from extracurricular teaching of religion. Though intentionally discriminatory action deprived the consecrated persons rights of teaching religious in school, however were unable to completely eliminate nuns and monks from catechesis, which - from the point of view of educational law - was conducted illegally in catechetical centers.


discrimination, education law, educational policy, catechesis, laicization, Catholic Church, anti-religious activities, communist regime, freedom of religion, People's Republic of Poland, repression against religious orders

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Joanna Wiśniewska 
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw

Mgr, Instytut Nauk Historycznych, Wydział Nauk Historycznych i Społecznych, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego, ul. Wóycickiego 1/3, 23, 01-938 Warszawa


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