The status of chaplains of special chaplaincies in the Ukrainian legal system

Jerzy Nikołajew

Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Opole, , Poland


The Ukrainian military chaplaincy has the best developed organizational structures. This stems from the events of the Russian annexation of the Crimea and the hybrid war in Donbas. The prison chaplaincy has also been organized based on the structures of penitentiaries and detention centres. The police chaplaincy, in turn, requires the introduction of new legislative solutions. In addition, the Greek Catholic Church in Ukraine has established its own diocesan structures for special chaplaincies, whereas the remaining religious organizations have only organized rudimentary chaplaincies in the army, police and prison service. The study concerns the functioning of the military, police and prison chaplaincies in Ukraine. The focus is the analysis of the legal regulations and practice in this respect, conducted using the dogmatic and comparative method. The aim is to suggest some possible legislative solutions, which would for example consist in issuing state regulations that guarantee religious care in the form of special chaplaincies. The article concludes with some suggestions and recommendations along these lines.


chaplains, special chaplaincy, religious freedom, military chaplaincy, Ukrainian legal system, freedom of conscience and religion, Church-State relations, Law on Religion, religious organization

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Jerzy Nikołajew 
Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Opole,

Dr hab. prof. UO, Zakład Prawa i Postępowania Administracyjnego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Katowicka 87a, 45-060 Opole


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