References to God in the constitutions of contemporary states. A comparative study

Grzegorz Maroń

University of Rzeszów , Poland


The article presents the results of a quantitative and qualitative comparative study of the presence of direct references to God in the constitutions of modern states. References to God appearing in the fundamental laws of nearly two-thirds of the countries of the world differ in their linguistic forms and functions they perform. Most often, they take the form of an invocatio or nominatio Dei in  preambles and appear in oaths of office, while they are less frequently included in other constitutional provisions such as those defining official state symbols – national flags, national anthems or emblems. References to God in the fundamental laws do not have a theological dimension, but they are a manifestation of legislators’ responsiveness to the convictions and beliefs of citizens about God. In the author’s opinion, the decision to include, not include or remove a reference to God in a constitution should follow from the evolving importance of the sphere of sacrum for the society of a given state as a political sovereign.


God, constitution, comparative method, cultural dimension of law, Law on Religion, Constitutional Law, axiology of law

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Grzegorz Maroń
University of Rzeszów

Dr hab., prof. UR, Katedra Nauk Historyczno i Teoretycznoprawnych, Instytut Nauk Prawnych, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, ul. Grunwaldzka 13, 35-068 Rzeszów


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