The establishment and registration of a religious denomination as manifestation of religious freedom

Artur Mezglewski

University of Opole , Poland


In this publication the author makes the following arguments. As the registration of a religious association in Polish law is a form of its legalisation by becoming a legal entity, that process broadens the influence of a religious association in the religious sphere, thereby broadening religious freedom. The registration of a religious association made on the basis of an application for registration filled by “supporters” of a religious community (it happens more than often in Polish registration offices) is not a manifestation of religious freedom. Registration of a religious association must be undertaken at the request of the religious organization itself or at the request of members of this community. Only such a procedure could be a sign of guarantee of religious freedom.


religious freedom, registration of religious denominations, freedom of conscience and religion, Church-State relations, churches and other religious denominations , religious communities, religious associations

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Mezglewski, A. (2015). Utworzenie oraz rejestracja związku wyznaniowego jako przejawy wolności religijnej. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 18, 123–134.

Artur Mezglewski 
University of Opole

Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Katowicka 87 a, 45-060 Opole


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