Religious organizations and local self-government units as entities cooperating in the enforcement of criminal judgements

Jerzy Nikołajew

University of Opole , Poland


Religious organizations and local self-government units are entities cooperating in the implementation of penalties, penal, compensatory, protective and preventive measures, as well as forfeiture. They can also be treated in terms of institutions of social control over the enforcement of these judgements. The cooperation between these entities has obtained the status of a statutory directive and is supposed to serve to rehabilitate the convicts and prevent crime. As argued in the present article, the cooperation under discussion also contributes to the fulfillment of educational and corrective goals.


enforcement of criminal judgements, religious organizations, local self-government units, Penal Executive Code

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Jerzy Nikołajew
University of Opole

Dr hab., prof. UO, Katedra Nauk o Państwie i Prawie, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Opolski, ul. Katowicka 87a, 45-060 Opole


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