Selected Spanish 1959–1976 jurisprudence on the representation of legal entities of the Catholic Church (including a comparative perspective)

Marek Strzała

Jagiellonian University , Poland


In the Kingdom of Spain, under the 1953 Concordat, the jurisprudence recognized the effectiveness of canon law regulations on the representation of legal entities of the Catholic Church in Spanish private law. The justification for the reception of canon law provisions in Spanish law was seen in the concordat provisions, in general civil law regulations on the representation of legal persons or in art. 38 para. 2 of the Spanish Civil Code, which makes a clear reference to the concordat with the Holy See. As follows from the judgements discussed in this article, the reception of canon law concerns not only the main canon law act (i.e., the Code of Canon Law), but also other sources of canon law such as in particular constitutions of religious orders. The case-law of the Spanish Supreme Court (Tribunal Supremo) focused on such issues as, in particular, the impact of the conditions specified in the permission for alienation on the effectiveness of the legal act performing alienation, the differences between the content of the request for the permission to alienate or the permission itself and the content of the legal act performing alienation, as well as the canonization of civil law pertaining to contracts. All these issues were resolved in favour of the reception of canon law.


Spain, Supreme Court, jurisprudence, canon law, civil law, legal person, Catholic Church

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Strzała, M. (2022). Wybrane hiszpańskie orzecznictwo z lat 1959–1976 dotyczące reprezentacji wyznaniowych osób prawnych Kościoła Katolickiego z uwzględnieniem płaszczyzny prawno-porównawczej. Studia Z Prawa Wyznaniowego, 25, 237–252.

Marek Strzała
Jagiellonian University

Dr, Pracownia Prawa Kościelnego i Wyznaniowego, Wydział Prawa i Administracji, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, ul. Gołębia 9, 31-007 Kraków


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